Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Analisi Swot

Analisi SWOT
Toko baju aulia

Toko baju aulia ini di bangun pada tahun 1990, toko ini berada di pasar tradisional di jatiasih dan pasar grosir di bogor

Kekuatan :
1.       Pelayannya yang baik dan ramah
2.       Mudahnya negosiasi
3.       Barang yang ditawarkan banyak jenisnya
4.       Letak tokonya strategis karena tidak jauh dari pintu masuk
5.       Tokonya besar

Kelemahan :
1.       Keterbatasan modal
2.       Kurang adanya promosi
3.       Kurangnya keamanan di dalam pasar
4.       Suasana di toko agak panas
5.       Kurangnya tenaga kerja pada saat di bulan puasa

Peluang :
1.       Meningkatkan tenaga karja dan produktifitas
2.       Menggunakan media social untuk berjualan dan bernegosiasi
3.       Jika adanya modal yang banyak, dapat membuka cabang di mana - mana
4.       Menyediakan pendingin udara agar komsumen nyaman
5.       Meningatkan penyajian pakaian yang eksklusif

Ancaman :
1.       Jika bahan baku yang naik
2.       Biaya tempat sewa toko semakin naik
3.       Factor iklim
4.       Pembangunan mall di mana-mana
5.       Banyaknya persaingan di dalam pasar

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

My Jalan - jalan

On 24/08/2013 I invited my friend to the old town, and then I left home at 7 to go in the direction of jati waringin to my friend's house use a motorcycle with my friend, when he got me at my friend's house, Our waited my friends who have not come, after we all gathered eight of departing using public transportation in the direction of pinang ranti. Arriving there then we use the busway, after we reached the old town around 12 noon. turned out to be quiet in there, because the working day and the museum was closed, and the street vendors was deserted in because already regulate, we were disappointed and on that day the weather was very sunny so we were all hot, and hungry.

then I invite my friends to the beach Ancol because there the atmosphere is cool despite the summer heat, and my friend agreed and we immediately set off using the busway on the road we had dispersed from my friends because buswaynya full, but we managed to get to Ancol, after until ancol we use the bus to reach the destination to the beach, and it turns out there is very crowded Arriving at the beach we were immediately looking for food because we were so hungry we approximately a half hour up the beach at 3 pm, and finally we found the food we find that the meatballs, without thinking, we immediately ordered meatballs and eat immediately, ate on the beach was very relaxing not in a hurry because the sea wind feels good, after one and a half hour we enjoy the cool beach we walked the road before return.

We actually want to see the sunset but because of traffic jams in Jakarta during office hours we were back home before 5, we from the beach to the busway station on foot, we deliberately walk to enjoy the cool evening breeze, upon reaching busway station was already crowded, so we crammed on the busway. Our after arriving in kampung melayu we were immediately looking for public transport, there we were very tired because it was very crowded in the busway, upon arriving at a friend's house about an hour and a half of my 8 we break beforehand to eliminate fatigue in the body, after that we went back home respectively ", .. THE END

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Formulas Passive Voice

1.      1. Present Tense
a.       Simple Present Tense
Formula : S + To Be (am,are,is) + V3 + By + O
Example : Book is Reads By Sisca Everyday

b.      Present Continuous Tense
Formula : S + TO Be (am,are,is) + Being + V3 + By + O
Example : Badmintoon is Being Played By Them Now

c.       Present Perfect Tense
Formula : S + Have/Has + Been +V3 + By + O
Example : My Pasta Have Been Eaten By Her

d.      Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Formula : S + Have/Has + Been + Being + V3 + By + O
Example : The Book Has Been Being Read By Her

2.      2. Past Tense
a.       Simple Past Tense
Formula : S + Was/Were + V3 + By + O + Ts
Example : A Letter Was Written By Her Yesterday

b.      Past Continuous Tense
Formula : S + Was/Were + Being + V3 + By + O + Ts
Example : The Car Was Being Washed By Her Last Two Month

c.       Past Perfect Tense
Formula : S + Had + Been + V3 + By + O
Example : The Car Had Been Washed By Her Last Week

d.      Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Formula : S + Had + Been + Being + V3 + By + O + Ts
Example : The Car Had Been Being Washed By Him Yesterday

3.      3. Future Tense
a.       Simple Future Tense
Formula : S + Will/Shall + V3 + By + O +Ts
Example : A letter will be written by me Tomorrow

b.      Future Continuous Tense
Formula : S + Will/Shall + Be + Being + V3 + By + O + Ts
Example : The car will be being washed by him tomorrow morning

c.       Future Perfect Tense
Formula : S + Will + Have + Been + V3 + By + O + Ts
Example : They will have been met by him before I get there tomorrow.

d.      Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Formula : S + Will + Have + Been + Being + V3 + By + O
Example : This plant will have been being watered by her.

4.      4. Past Future Tense
a.       Past Future Tense
Formula : S + Would/Should + Be + V3 + By + O
Example : The Car Would Be Washed By Them

b.      Past Future Continuous Tense
Formula : S + Would + Be + Being + V3 + By + O
Example : This plant would be being watered by her.

c.       Past Future Perfect Tense
Formula : S + Would + Have + Been + V3 + By + O
Example : They would have been met by him.

d.      Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Formula : S + Would + Have + Been + Being + V3 + By + O
Example : They would be being met by him.

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